Maererano nezve Islam Nhanganyaya Muchidimbu

-          Maererano nezve Islam:

Nhanganyaya yekutenda kukuru kwemaMuslim kunozivikanwa kunzi "Misimboti mitanhatu yechitendero" iyo inosanganisira kutenda muna Mwari, mungirozi, mumabhuku akazarurwa, muVaporofita, muzuva rekutongwa, uye nemuzviitiko. Uye inhanganyaya yenzira shanu huru dzekushumira dzinozivikanwa kunzi "Mapango mashanu eIslam" ayo anosanganisira uchapupu wechitendero, minamato mishanu pazuva, chipo chevarombo, kutsanya, uye kushanyira nzvimbo yeMecca.

General introduction to the main beliefs of Muslims known as the “6 articles of faith” which include the belief in God, angels, revealed books, prophets, Judgment Day, and destiny.  It also introduces the 5 main forms of worship known as the “the 5 pillars of Islam” which include the declaration of faith,  the 5 daily prayers, charity, fasting, and the pilgrimage to Mecca.