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Autor :

علي بن عبد الرحمن الحذيفي

Fecha :

Tue, Jan 06 2015

Categoría :

Para los nuevos musulmanes


Khutba - Allah’s Protection of His Servants

His Eminence Sheikh Ali ibn Abdur-Rahman Al-Hudhaifi, may Allah preserve him,delivered the Friday khutbah entitled, “All ah’s Protection of His Servants”, in which hetalked about the protection (walayah) of Allah, Glorified be He, of His believing servants,explaining how Allah loves them, guides them to follow the way of truth and avoid thepaths of misguidance, defends them, and takes revenge on those who humiliate or harmthem. Sheikh Al-Hudhaifi also highlighted some of the traits of the awliya’ of Allah(Allah’s believing servants who love and fear Him much), by virtue of which they gain thegood pleasure of their Lord and attain what He has prepared for them in this life and in thehereafter.