-          Islam mibvunzo nemhinduro

Ongorora mhinduro yemimwe mibvunzo yagara ichibvunzwa yakafanana neiyi: ndechipi chinangwa chehupenyu? Chii chinonzi Islam uye maMuslim ndevapi? Ko Allah ndiani? Ko Muhammad ndiani? Ko Korani chii? Ko maMuslim vanotenda vachiti kudii nezvaJesu nevamwe Vaporofita? Ko sei zvinhu zvakaipa zvichiitika? Ko chii chinombonzi Jihad? Ko Islam inoregerera here nyaya yechitororo? … nemimwe mibvunzo. Ko izvo zvitendero zvese zvakafanana here uye Islam inoona sei vakadzi? Munhu anofanira kugamuchira hukuru hwaMusiki uye kuvandudza nekuchengetedza hukama hwepedyo naye zvichiburikidza nekumuteerera.

Discover answers to some of those questions that have been frequently asked such as: what is the purpose of life? What is Islam and who are Muslims? Who is Allah? Who is Muhammad? What is the Qur'an? What do Muslims believe about Jesus and other Prophets? Why do bad things happen? What is Jihad? Does Islam condone terrorism? … and many other questions. But are all the religions equal and how does Islam view women? One needs to acknowledge the greatness of the creator and developing and maintaining a close relationship with Him by obeying Him.

اسم الكتاب: الإسلام سؤال وجواب

اللغة: الشونا

الناشر: موقع المطويات الإسلامية



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Introducing Islam