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Autor :

Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee

Data :

Tue, Sep 02 2014


About the hadith - If one of you believed in a stone, it will be of benefit to him


About the hadith

 “If one of you believed in a stone, it will be of benefit to him”



The question:

“…And after we’ve read in chapter (And your body has rights) p.816 from the fifth volume of our beloved magazine “Al-Muslimon (The Muslims)” in the answer to the question about the appendages in the skin and method of healing it, And from what was mentioned “If one of you believed in a stone, it will be of benefit to him”, so please answer us on the pages of “The Muslims” if that was a saying of the holy prophet -peace be upon him- or an old wisdom of the Arabs or something else? And I’ve read before in “Al-Hady An-Nabawi (the prophetic guidance) magazine” Issue 2-7, 1376, p.99 that this hadith is from the fabrication of the polytheist and the worshippers of idols. Please present this to Shaykh Nasir Ad-Deen Al-Albani to benifit us with his reply.” Thank you

Khaled Muhammad Hoon


The answer:

“The previously mentioned hadith, Ibn Taymiyyah said about it: It’s a lie, and Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: it has no origin, And Al-Hafiz As-Sakhawi agreed with them on that in “Al-Makased Al-Hasanah fee Al-Ahadith Al-Moshtaheerah ‘ala Al-Alsenah (the good intentions in the famous ahaidth said by people)” (195-160) and it can never be a wisdom of the Arab, unless that it be to the polytheists among them, and that’s because of what it includes from clear supporting to their known worship to idols and the prophet -peace be upon him- was sent to detroy this, and save the people from the ordure of worshipping it, to the light of pure monotheism.”

{And they worship besides Allah things that hurt them not, nor profit them, and they say: “These are our intercessors with Allah.” Say: “Do you inform Allah of that which He knows not in the heavens and on the earth?” Glorified and Exalted be He above all that which they associate as partners with Him!} [Yunus 10:18].

Muhammad Nasir Ad-Deen Al-Albani



The Muslims Magazine (6/293 – 294)