100 QUESTIONS Led Shiites’ Youth to the Truth

100 QUESTIONS Led Shiites’ Youth to the Truth

Led Shiites’ Youth to the Truth

By Sheikh:
Soliman ben Saleh El-Kharashi

Translated and Rendered by
Khaled Fahmy


The customary and most respectful 
salutation on the Prophet, “Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him” and the praising of the companions “may Allah have peace on him/them” which are made after each mention of their names within this work have been omitted for ease of reading; however the reader is kindly requested to observe this Muslim tradition.

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
raise be to Allah who said: “This is My straight path, so follow it. Follow not other ways, lest you be parted from His way: This has He ordained for you, that you may ward off (evil). [Al-An'am:153], and peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger, the Seal of the Prophets, who said: “The children of Israel have parted over seventy-one sects, and my nation is divided over seventy-three; all of them are in Fire except only one», it was said: O Messenger of Allah, what is the one? He said: “What I am on today and my companions”. ( )
Allah wanted – He willed with His cosmic destiny - to divide Muslims to sects, parties and different doctrines, so they are intimidating and conspiring one against each other; thus violating the Allah’s directive to them in the case of conflict of opinions to refer back to His book and the Sunnah (tradition) of His Prophet; saying: “And if you have a dispute concerning any matter, refer it to Allah and the Messenger if you are (in truth) believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more seemly in the end.” [Women: 59].
Therefore, it is obligatory for every mentor of his nation, who loves its unity and assembly, to seek –based on his ability- its reunification “on the truth” and to restore it as it was in the prophet era (the doctrine, law and ethics), following the saying of Allah: “And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate.” [Al-Imran: 103].
One of the most important things that hasten this matter: is to enlighten the sects’ members that are contrary to the call of the Book and Sunnah, of what they are on of excesses and deviations that impede them from the guidance and adherence to the Muslim Group.
Hence, thinking of gathering these questions and obligations for the youth of the Twelfth Shi'a sect that may contribute to the comeback of the wise men and women to the truth; if you think about these questions and obligations that cannot be pushed away and eliminated except only by abiding to the invitation of the Book and Sunnah that are free from these contradictions.
I really liked what one of the Shiites who was restored to the right, when he talked about his experience of transition from deviation to guidance in a book which he chose an appropriate name for it:
“I have won the companions ... I did not lose Ahlu Al-Bayt”!
He was successful – may Allah steadfast him- in this choice because the true Muslim does not find it embarrassing to combine the love of Ahlu Al-Bayt and the love of the companions, may Allah be pleased with them all.
It should be known that I have selected most of these questions and obligations from the web forums, especially the defence of Sunnah forum, and I added to it a large set of obligations that I saw in the books that conversed with Shiites, and then I edited them all and place them in one form, I have only compiled this work,  then I ask Allah to benefit the successful from among the Shiites youth, and make it a key to goodness to them, finally I prompt them to consider that reviewing the truth is better than the persistence on falsehood, and one of them in the event of his adherence to the Sunnah, and joy and support it,  may exceed his reward and status compared with thousands of Sunnis, who are not  committed, and those who are turning away from their religion, and indulging in lusts, or those who are falling in suspicions, Allah says: 
“Whoso disbelieves must (then) bear the consequences of his disbelief, while those who do right make provision for themselves” [Roman: 44]. 
Allah Knows Better, May Allah have peace and blessings on our Prophet Muhammad and his family and his companions.

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o every Shiite in this world, who has a mind that he or she can reflect with, I direct this set of questions, as I wish that you question and pursue the truth, accordingly you might find the right answer to them, so you will be guided to the true religion of Allah and to the evident truth, Allah willing.
1)    Shiites believe that 'Ali is an infallible Imam, and then we find him - by their confession - gave his daughter Umm Kulthum “Sister of Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein” in marriage to Omar bin Al-Khattab! ( ) This obliges the Shiites to one of two matters; the sweetest is bitter:
The first: that 'Ali is not infallible because he gave his daughter in marriage to an infidel (kafir). And this contradicts with the doctrine foundat

100 QUESTIONS Led Shiites’ Youth to the Truth


책 소개

저자 :

سليمان بن صالح الخراشي

교열자 :

Khaled Fahmy

발행자 :


범주 :

Doctrine & Sects