Game da Fatawa

kwanan wata :

Fri, Apr 10 2015

Le jugement du mariage contracté avec la divorcée de son oncle maternel

Ma question  porte sur le mariage. Un frère qui m’est cher voudrait  épouser la femme de son oncle car ce dernier inflige une très mauvais traitement à sa femme. Ce qui laisse sur ses enfants un impact si négatif qu’elle souhaite  obtenir le divorce d’avec son mari et épouser mon ami. Celui-ci voudrait l’aider et prendre en charge ses deux enfants pour les compenser du traitement dur et de la négligence qu’ils ont subi de la part de son oncle. Mes questions sont les suivantes :
1°) Un tel mariage est-il légal selon l’Islam ?
2°) Quels seraient les droits et les devoirs de mon ami à l’égard des enfants (de son oncle).
J’espère recevoir une réponse satisfaisante à propos de ce problème car il me serait possible d’empêcher ce mariage s’il s’avérait contraire à la Charia. J’apprécierais votre grande sollicitude, si votre réponse me parvenait rapidement. Merci.


Praise be to Allaah.

A man is permitted to marry the wife of his maternal uncle, if they divorce and after she has completed her ‘iddah (waiting-period after divorce). An uncle’s wife is not a mahram (close relative to whom marriage is permanently forbidden), so there is nothing wrong with marrying her. But it is forbidden for a man to have any kind of haraam relationship with his uncle’s wife. Shaytaan could make something that is bad appear attractive to them, so it is essential to exercise caution. Also, it is not permitted to make her hate her husband so that she will get divorced and one can then marry her. One should try to reconcile and reunite, not destroy and break up. In principle, it is better for the children to stay with their father and mother in one family unit, unless the interests of sharee’ah in this case dictate otherwise. If the worst comes to the worst, and they get divorced, and there is no suspicion about your role in all this, then there is nothing wrong with marrying the woman who has been divorced by your uncle. Your treatment of your uncle’s children (your cousins), if they should come under your care, should be fair and proper, based on the ties of kinship between you. If you treat them well, doing so sincerely for the sake of Allaah, then you will have a great reward from Him. And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid