مضمون کے بارے میں

مصنف :

عبد البارئ بن عواض الثبيتي

تاریخ :

Tue, Dec 30 2014

قسم :

Morals & Ethics

ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں

میں دستیاب ہے:

khutba - Seizing Opportunities Before It Is Too Late

His Eminence Sheikh Abdulbari ibn Awwad al-Thubaiti, may Allah preserve him,delivered the Friday khutbah entitled, “Seizing Opportunities Before It Is Too Late”, inwhich he talked about the importance of seizing the various opportunities for righteousdeeds that we have in life. He explained that Allah, Exalted be He, prompts us to do soand that our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, gave excellent examples ofseizing opportunities and making the most of them, in addition to teaching hisCompanions to do so.